Florentino Ariza

Florentino Ariza, originally uploaded by fruedav.

Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Garcia Marquez about love, of course, and this old fashioned boat has the name of one of the three characters. Florentino Ariza was in love wiht the same woman all his life, but I won't tell you anymore, go to read it. The boat was sailing around the Magdalena River training all inhabitants of its rivers in the Internet, it was a trip of technology in a region where it exists but it's reached for a very few. Read a review Powell's Books and this web page about the boat, Florentino Ariza.

El Amor en los Tiempos del Colera es una novela de Garcia Marquez acerca de, por supuesto, el amor. Y este barco al estilo de los mas antiguos tiene el nombre del personaje principal de la novela, Florentino Ariza, y estuvo navegando por todo el rio Magdalena llevando y enseƱando el internet a los habitantes de sus riveras en lugar donde la tecnologia exite, pero llega a unos pocos. Si lo desea, lea este articulo con mas fotos del bote, Florentino Ariza, y visite esta pagina con comentarios sobre el LIBRO.
