The General in His Labyrinth

This photo was take in the museum La Casa de Bolivar

El Libertador, Simon Bolivar. A fighter man that brings freedom to Colombia and many countries of South America. He was from Venezuela and died in La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, Santa Marta (Colombia). Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote a great novel about him. Read a sample chapter (Barnes & Noble)
The General in His Labyrinth (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

El Libertador, Simón Bolívar. Un luchador que trajo la libertad a Colombia y muchos países de Sur América. El era Venezolano y murió en La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, Santa Marta (Colombia). Gabriel García Márquez escribió una gran novela sobre el. Lean un capitulo de muestra (tomado de Barnes & Noble).
